
Resources for educators renewing certificates in 2022

On Jan 1, 2022, we will begin the third year of certification renewal using Professional Learning Units (PLUs). Educators renewing certificates in 2022 will need to show evidence of PLUs as follows:

Initial (3-year) Certificates

Educators holding Initial certificates must complete 25 PLUs per year of employment for a total of 75 PLUs in order to progress to a Professional (5-year) certificate.

Professional (5-year) Certificates

Educators holding Professional Certificates must complete 15 PLUs per year of employment for a total of 45 PLUs in order to renew as a Professional (5-year) certificate. Since PLUs were not required until renewal year 2020, educators must complete them for school years 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 only.

Advanced (7-year) Certificates

Educators who achieve an aspirational benchmark in addition to the 45 PLUs can progress to an Advanced (7-year) certificate. Evidence of aspirational benchmarks must be submitted to RIDE on when renewing online on My eCert. Aspirational benchmarks include:

  1. National Board Certification

  2. Conferral of an advanced degree

  3. RIDE or national recognition (Milken Award, State Teacher of the Year, or Presidential Award for Math and Science)

  4. Completion of NISL Executive Development Program or served as a NISL facilitator

  5. Achieves RIDE certification in limited number of shortage areas identified by RIDE

LEAs may approve professional learning activities for educators in one or more of the following categories:

  • Subject matter/content knowledge and skills

  • Pedagogical knowledge or pedagogical content knowledge and skills

  • Curriculum implementation knowledge and skills

  • Enhance educator effectiveness

An hour of approved professional learning equals one Professional Learning Unit (PLU). LEAs will verify in the Personnel Data Collection system that the educator has completed all required PLUs. RIDE will not collect individual PLU evidence, but educators should maintain their own records.

Source: (RIDE website)